Wandering Reel Short Films Nov 10 & 12
- Posted By : Brook Willeford
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We’re pleased to announce that The Clyde is partnering with Wandering Reel Traveling Film Festival to show two series of short films at 2:00 Saturday & Monday November 10 & 12. Each showing will be followed by a Q&A session with festival director Michael Harrington. For the Monday Q&A session, Michael will be joined by Wes Hurley, the director of “Little Potato.”
For the first time in the festivals short history, the majority of films featured this year are directed by women, a fact that according to Harrington, was “not intentional but a wonderful surprise once the final films were chosen.” Each film is chosen based on its merit of telling a powerful story, then programmed with films that, together, are an integral part of a larger story, represented in the theme of the program.
Saturday, November 10 we will play the collection titled: Our Basic Assumptions:
What happens when we leave our assumptions at the door? These seven shorts challenge stereotypes around poverty, race, integrity, sexuality, gender, age, and more.
Films showing: Caroline • Emergency • Sacrilege • Dik • For Nonna Anna • Intimity • Coffee Time
Monday, November 12 we will play the collection titled: Outsiders
Identity can put you in a box, and it can also set you free. Discover the hidden stories of being an outsider in a society stuck on its definition of “norms.”
Films: Death Metal Grandma • Libre • Born in the Maelstrom • Schoolyard Blues • Little Potato