What Makes a Big-Screen Movie
- Posted By : Brook Willeford
- Comments : 0

“I am big. It’s the pictures that got small.” –Sunset Boulevard.
In this age of digital media, there are some movies that transcend the TV screen, and demand to be seen in the theatre. Whether they’re just too beautiful for the small screen, improved by the laughter or others, or you something you want to talk to your friends about afterwards, there are definitely still Big Screen Movies.
Obviously, you don’t want to see something like Lawrence of Arabia or Avatar on a TV when you can see it on a theatre screen, but there are also sneaky-gorgeous movies like the recent Embrace of the Serpent or the splendor of The Jungle Book that really cry out for the big screen.
Less obviously, there are those movies that are just made so much better by a good audience. You know the ones, the comedies or the heartwarming stories where the people around you are laughing or going “awww” and their reactions reinforce your own reactions, and soon the whole place is rocking with laughter or passing around kleenex. I’m thinking about Spy, Love Actually, Hello, My Name is Doris, or Mustang.
And then there are the movies that you just want to talk about after you’ve seen them. Not just the puzzlers like Inception, but the really heavy ones like Eye in the Sky, or the ones that raise questions like Where to Invade Next. When you finish watching a movie like that at home, sure you can go on Facebook and post about it, but when you watch that type of movie in the theatre, you can turn to the person next to you, or linger in the lobby, and actually talk to someone about it.
So while we get sitting down on the sofa and watching streaming movies (we do it too) there are some types of movies that really aren’t the same at home, and we’re constantly looking to bring them to you at The Clyde.