From the Balcony

Pop Prices Are Going Up

Into every life, a little change must come. The last time we changed the pop prices at The Clyde was to add the $0.50 water option two years ago. Before that, it’s been… I’m not even sure. A long time. Maybe since we added the larger large size?

Unfortunately, syrup prices have been steadily creeping up during that time, and so starting May 1, we’re increasing the prices of our drinks. Water will stay $0.50 for any size, but a small pop or lemonade will now be $1.50, a medium will be $2, and a large will be $3 (this is different than what I announced in the eblast, I had it wrong there and I apologize).

If you want a large popcorn and a pop for $5 now, you’ll have to go with a medium pop instead of a large, but you’ll still be able to get a large ‘corn and two large drinks for under $10.

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3 responses to “Pop Prices Are Going Up”

  1. Lynn says:

    Love ❤️ the Clyde Theater!!!!!!
    Love ❤️ the movies you select!!
    Love ❤️ the delicious popcorn and goodies all at
    More than fair price!!
    Love ❤️ seeing the camaraderie and friendly
    Island people!!

    Thank you for the Clyde Theater!!!!

  2. Janis Machala says:

    Still a bargain, it’s all about the community. Plus GREAT movie curation.

  3. Ron says:

    Still a deal. Still the best movie theater in the NW.

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