Clyde News

New Ticket Prices

It’s been two tumultuous years since we last changed the ticket prices at The Clyde Theatre, and a lot has happened since then — including being closed for almost exactly a year. As we’ve come back, film distributors have experimented with streaming services even more readily than before, including releasing some films simultaneously in theaters and streaming (often called “day and date”). And we’ve made the commitment to do everything we can in the name of public health, including setting aside some seats (and whole rows) to provide socially-distanced seating. We’ve had temporary prices since we re-opened, and now it’s time to settle in with new long-term prices.

Starting January 1, 2022, general admission (age 17+) at The Clyde will be $10, and youth tickets (age 7-16) will be $8 going forward. The 34-cent service fee for credit and debit cards will remain in place to cover our costs. The big difference is that there will be no separate senior price — seniors are such a large portion of our audience that we can’t really afford to offer them a further discount on our still-low prices. If the price increase means that a senior patron can’t come to The Clyde anymore, please contact us at 360-730-7915 or and we can come to an accommodation.

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17 responses to “New Ticket Prices”

  1. carolyn tamler says:

    You have done an amazing job keeping the Clyde going for us. It is such an iconic place on South Whidbey. I’m fine paying $10 as a senior.

  2. Diane Kendy says:

    Keep up the good work. I love The Clyde!

  3. Sharon Brocker says:

    The Clyde is one of Langley charming community treasures. Thank you.

  4. Carolyn Tamler says:

    We love The Clyde. Happy to pay higher ticket prices to keep you you going.

  5. Lisa says:

    Agree with the above. I love The Clyde. You’ve been offering a great selection of current movies. Though I also have loved the independent movies you introduced me too — Honeyland comes to mind immediately! You to do what’s necessary to stay open!

  6. Gabe says:

    You guys still probably charge a quarter of the price to see a movie and get a popcorn at any other movie theater. We need our small town theater thriving!

  7. Paul says:

    A steal at twice the price! Thanks for keeping such a great Langley tradition going!

  8. John says:

    Well worth the price… so much fun.
    One issue is Parking I had to walk 100 feet to my car. ( hopefully you realize I am joking. It can’t be any easier then night in Langley for Dinner and a Movie.)

  9. Robert says:

    Yup. Still a good price. Go Clyde.

  10. Karol Payne says:

    $10 is still a bargan! ♥️

  11. Frankie says:

    Thank you for continuing to keep The Clyde family business going, it’s a true treasure and means so much to the community.

  12. Talia Toni Marcus says:

    I love the row of separation for COVID clearance. The Clyde is my vote for a great night of entertainment and mental stimulation in Langley. Seeing friends enjoy these movies together is endearing.

  13. Rich Berkowitz says:

    The Clyde is a gem in South Whidbey and I appreciate all your efforts to keep the establishment in the family and retain this venue for the pleasure of your neighbors

  14. Jason Parrish says:

    I would be happy to pay a few extra bucks to finance folks who need help with tickets. I think there should be a 15 dollar ticket to make it easy to support the cause.

    • That’s an interesting idea — or perhaps just allowing folks to purchase passes and set them aside at the box office. I know that Pickles has done a great thing with folks donating money to purchase meals for anyone who can’t afford one on their own. Maybe it’s something that Blake and Brook can talk about.

  15. Cindy Shannon says:

    Love, love the Clyde! It is very reasonable even with the new prices. We appreciate you keeping the Clyde going!

  16. Margaret White says:

    You have always kept it affordable for the locals. I love the Clyde and honestly prefer it to big theaters! The Clyde is so wonderful and comfortable! Thank you

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