What Goes On My Refrigerator Now?
- Posted By : Lynn
- Comments : 3

The September/October 2010 printed Clyde schedule was the last of its kind. After 38 years of beautiful, comical, nonsensical, and just plain bizarre illustrations by local artists, The Clyde calendar became a thing of the past, made obsolete by changes in the way movies are distributed, booked, and advertised.
I have a copy of every calendar since Blake bought the theater in February of 1972. In the years since then, the refrigerators of South Whidbey have been enlivened by the art of Karran West, Ed Nordin, Bob Sabatini, Gretchen Pedersen, Willy Maschmeier, Deon Matzen, Buffy Morrow, Janie Cribbs, Ro Purser, Briony Cribbs-Morrow, Bruce Morrow, Anne Belov, Christine Nyburg, Kim Kelzer, Mike Boyd, Scot Gaznier, Scott Freutel, Pamela Jacques, Frank Jacques, Julie Hougum, Tim Leonard, Denis Zimmerman, James Wills, Audrey Bishop, and the late Lee Wexler. I even did the schedule art once, as did Brook at age 7 (an illustration for Top Gun). I’d like to find a place to display them all, but haven’t found a big enough spot at The Clyde yet.
Why not create a slide show of all those calendars and put them onscreen before the movie begins?
We’ll be making a photo gallery of old schedule art as soon as I learn how to make one, Dave. Give me a week or two to get used to all this new WordPress stuff first.
The Clyde is the most delightful place—the old time theatre ambience, the movies that are always
excellent choices of current movies, sometimes oldies, too…it is a very special place.
thank you Blake and Lynn!