The Virtual Magic Change Jar
- Posted By : Brook Willeford
- Comments : 7

As the patrons of The Clyde know, there is a mason jar on the candy counter labeled “The Magic Change Jar.” Every two months a South Whidbey nonprofit receives the change that patrons put in that jar. What makes it Magic is that five partners match that change (up to $250) and one dollar donated magically becomes $6.
During the 10 weeks before The Clyde closed, the patrons donated a record $590 originally meant for Hearts and Hammers. With the agreement of H & H, the partners chose to send the resulting $1,840 to Good Cheer due to the dramatic need for food support for our neighbors.
In order to continue that support while The Clyde is closed, the five partners have decided to establish a “virtual” MCJ. Island Athletic Club, The Assembly of God Church, Kevin Lungren at Edward Jones Investments and Mary Jane Lundgren at Saratoga Dental, Richard Epstein Construction, and The Clyde Theatre will match, up to $250 each, every dollar that the citizens of South Whidbey donate.
Please send checks made out to Good Cheer to Magic Change Jar, POB 199 Langley WA, 98260. If you are young and think that checks are a quaint relic of the past, you may mail small amounts of cash to that address or put the cash in an envelope and slide it into the box office at The Clyde.
If any individuals or businesses want to “partner up” in this time of need, please contact Blake at 360-969-9509. We’ll be sure that you get recognized in our next update.
What a great community service. Thank you! I left an envelope with a check in it at the Clyde box office.
Can I PayPal $$ to for magic change jar?
Pat and Ted Brookes
Sadly, you don’t have a Clyde PayPal account, so we can only accept donations mailed to us or dropped off at the Theatre.
Hi Brooke; How do we donate to the Virtual Magic Change Jar.
Brigit and Jim Drake
You can either slip an envelope under the door at The Clyde, or you can mail us at PO Box 199, Langley, WA 98260. Either way, please make sure that it’s clear that the money is for the Magic Change Jar, and make any checks out to Good Cheer. Thank you!
Now that we’re entering phase 3 will you be opening soon with 50% capacity? If so, what movies will you show? We’re all anxious to support the Clyde and see all of our friends at the movies, while wearing a mask and sitting 6 feet from those not in our household. Thanks also for continuing the Magic Change Jar. You’re all wonderful!!!
We’re currently trying to figure out a way to make re-opening The Clyde make financial sense while also being safe. Under the 6-foot restriction, we can only seat about 40-60 people (depending on how many family units we get), which is less than 25% capacity. The other problem is the lack of new movies, of course — studios keep pushing back release dates. We’ll open again as soon as it makes financial sense to do so safely — keep your eye on the website, our Facebook page, and the periodic eblasts that we email out for more information.