The View from the Box Office Window
- Posted By : Lynn
- Comments : 6

Apparently it’s time to start blogging from The Clyde—at least according to the social-media experts. While Blake spends his time in a windowless, metal-lined projection booth, my own seat is a stool in the box office with a terrific view of First Street and Saratoga Passage. So that makes me the blogger in the family—well, that and 20-plus years as a freelance writer.
I’ve been helping Blake run The Clyde (and his life) since 1976, and I was a Clyde patron from my first week on the island in 1972, the same year Blake bought it from Norm and Hazel Clyde. I’ve seen over 4,000 films and several generations of South Whidbey residents over the past 38 years, which I figure makes me eligible to talk about movies, the business of showing movies, the future of films, changes on South Whidbey, and anything else that falls within the view from the box office window. As local marketing maven Heather Racicot said when trying to convince me to start a blog, “You’re fun, you’re interesting, and you have lots of opinions.” I don’t know about the first two, but she sure nailed me on the third.
I expect to be writing about everything from whether there’s still a place for the independent small-town movie house in a Netflix world, to possible forms of alternative programming at The Clyde (and you get to vote for your favorite ideas), to background info on upcoming films, to whatever else pops into my pointy little head that day. You’ll get the straight skinny on the bizarre economics of the movie industry as well as how to build a community-centered business.
See you at the movies!
Lynn, you are “totally” fun! Can’t wait to read your blog and be inspired, entertained and informed. Love the new website!
Thanks for beta-testing, Heather.
I second Heather on all three counts. Looking forward to your fun, interesting, opinions about everything that interests you.
The Clyde Theatre is ‘The Best’ of all that is in our world today. Its a reminder of times past,
while keeping up with the technology of the Now, and the future. Your films span many categories of
interest to satisfy all your many
customers such diverse interests….young and old, and in between. What dedication you and your husband have shown
to the community of South Whidbey – even to central and north, if they take a ride down
the trail –
Please note: This was written by a Clyde patron, not the Clyde owners! Thanks, Diane for the testimonial.
I want to know about all your opinions–I always learn from them and most of the time I get to laugh too. If the world was a Clyde world, it’d be a better place.