Special Events

Nostalgia Nights!

We’re often asked about showing older movies, but we’ve never been able to arrange it to our satisfaction — until now (2023).

Starting July 25, 2023, The Clyde will be showing special Nostalgia Nights movies Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights at 7:30. We’ve curated a selection of summer movies that we think will appeal to the South Whidbey crowd. Unfortunately, we can’t show Disney movies (or any movie from any of the many distributors that Disney now owns) because they won’t provide the license for them. But there are a ton of great movies out there (we have a list of around 50 that we think would work well if this takes off, and we’re sure we’ve missed a lot of them).

We have them scheduled through the first week in September, with the films as follows:

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial — July 25-27
Dirty Dancing — August 1-3
Blazing Saddles — August 8-10 Rescheduled to Sept 12-14
Back to the Future — August 15-17 Rescheduled to Sept 19-21
Best in Show — August 22-24
Grease — August 29-31
The Goonies — September 5-7

If those go well, then you’ll likely see The Blues BrothersThe Big LebowskiWhen Harry Met Sally…, and Singin’ in the Rain.

UPDATE: Due to Warner Brothers requiring us to play Barbie every show (even special shows like Nostalgia Nights) during the week, Blazing Saddles and Back to the Future have been rescheduled.

If you have suggestions for other Nostalgia Nights movies, you can use the Contact Us button.

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42 responses to “Nostalgia Nights!”

  1. jerry and Connie lloyd says:

    Young Frankenstein

  2. Steve Guss says:

    Un homme et une femme) is a 1966 French film written and directed by Claude Lelouch


    “Young Frankenstein” is one of the lovely films in which I have a moment of “Solo Violin”. No longer getting Royalties for this one.
    I’d like to suggest a “Locals for Locals” Film Series. I am still getting Royalties for Solo Violin and Film Scoring Credits for some fun/great films and TV shows (like Fame and Star Wars TV series and “Raid on Short Creek” with Johnny Cash starring…and of course my biggest theft in “An Officer and A Gentleman” and my biggest grief of concert and recording footage from “Van Morrison in Ireland” film and the recording “Into the Music” which then became the sound track for the movie “Belfast”!!!!!!!! including an onscreen moment when Van Morrison introduces me near the end of the film after taking a solo: “Toni Marcus” and the 1979 recording “Into the Music”) on the sound stage for “Yes, Georgio”, “When whatsit met Maud”, “Yes, Giorgio”, “Staying Alive”, And a great 30 minute Jack Benny TV show featuring Julie London 1960 !!! Eh, Kimasabe? There are “a lot of us” on the South End of The Island. Let’s see more of Billy’s work too!!! Sincerely appreciative of you’all and “The Clyde Cinema”. (:))

  4. Ron Kerrigan says:

    Some of DeMille’s epics that no one under 50 has probably seen in a theater: The Ten Commandments, Samson and Delilah, Reap the Wild Wind, Union Pacific, Cleopatra

  5. Sara says:

    What about a musical series? South Pacific, Oklahoma, Hair, Calamity Jane, Sound of Music, etc. Imagining the audience singing along. Might be fun.

  6. Erin Everett says:

    Hey Brook – any chance of bringing back Life Is Beautiful with Roberto Begnini? We can’t seem to rent it anywhere. It’s not an oldie necessarily, but it’s definitely a goodie and a classic!

    Also, on a different note, any plans to show Sound of Freedom in the near future? A very important movie, from what I hear.

    Lovelovelove The Clyde!!

  7. Marianne Rafter says:

    My Suggestion for an awareness of climate change is the film “Waller.”

    But just for plain Nostalgia entertainment I’d like to see “Charade” on the big screen. Thanks, Brook.

  8. Katrina says:

    Disney no longer owns Studio Ghibli films, so My Neighbor Totoro is a possibility! https://gkids.com/about-us/

  9. Deb Prince says:

    Raiders of the Lost Ark
    On Golden Pond
    Saturday Night Fever
    Goodbye girl
    The Wizard of Oz
    The Sound of Music
    Shawshank Redemption
    Field of Dreams
    Life is Beautiful
    Cinema Paradiso
    Dead Poet Society

  10. Kris says:

    Weekend at Bernies

  11. Nancy Nolan says:

    Harold and Maude
    Alice Doesn’t Live Here anymore
    The Graduate
    Five Easy Pieces

    Thank you, Blake and Brook! -and thank you for playing my CD before the movies! (I have a new remastered copy for you.) 😎

  12. Nancy Nolan says:

    Harold and Maude
    Alice Doesn’t Love Here Anymore
    The Graduate
    Five Easy Pieces
    Coda -not nostalgic, but sure wish I could find it

    Thanks, Blake and Brook! -and thank you for playing my CD before the movies! (I have a newly remastered copy for you) 😎

  13. Penny Snarrenberg says:

    Cinema Paradiso

  14. Connie Lloyd says:

    How about Peter Sellers Pink Panther series. Just thinking about them makes me laugh

    • So many great suggestions, several of which made it onto my Great Big List — but attendance has been marginal most nights for the first two Nostalgia Nights special films. Hopefully more folks will come after Barbie’s two weeks.

  15. Jared says:

    Blade runner and Dr. Strangelove in the fall please

  16. Robert A Schoenman says:


  17. Nancy says:

    Independence Day
    Men in Black
    The Bird Cage
    Monty Python movies
    Home Alone
    The Sand Lot
    Moon Struck
    My Big Fat Greek Wedding
    Wallace and Gromit Movies

  18. Peggy Kimbell says:

    I would love to see a Film Noir series with such greats as:
    Out of The Past 1947
    The Big Sleep 1946
    The Third Man 1949
    Double Indemnity 1944
    Maltese Falcon 1941
    In A Lonely Place 1950

  19. Mary M says:

    I hear they are re-releasing Roman Holiday for its 70th anniversary! Would be wonderful to see on the big screen!
    Would also love to see To Kill a Mockingbird on the big screen.

    Love that you’re doing this!!!!

  20. Clint says:

    Suggestions from a mid-thirties guy who grew up in the 90’s-

    American Graffiti
    Back to the Future
    Big Daddy
    The Big Lebowski
    The Goonies
    Jurassic Park
    Kiki’s Delivery Service
    Kung Fu Hustle
    The Little Rascals
    Mrs. Doubtfire
    Office Space
    Three Amigos!
    Wayne’s World
    What About Bob
    Hotel Chavelier/The Darjeeling Limited
    The Departed
    The Fifth Element

    And for the month of October-
    Casper – 1995
    ParaNorman – 2012
    Practical Magic – 1998 (cause we’re on Whidbey)

  21. Jessica says:

    Rocky Horror picture show!

  22. Kyle says:

    Can you do original terminator?

  23. Alex says:

    The Last Dragon (1985)
    The Swashbuckler (1976) Robert Shaw, James Earl Jones, Peter Boyle
    The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Errol Flynn

  24. Shamus suffolk says:

    The princess bride

  25. Karol says:

    Thank you, Clyde!
    Franco Zefferelli’s Romeo and Juliet
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Out of Africa
    Musical concert series: Queen, A Hard Day’s Night, Earth Wind and Fire, etc

  26. Jeannie Barbour says:

    Alfred Hitchcock. Rear window, Trouble with Harry. All of them!

  27. Kate S says:

    We are hoping that the version of Blazing Saddles you will be showing is the original, outrageous version and not edited for TV…?

  28. Verlin says:

    Are you ever gonna do nostalgia nights again thank you

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