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Unrequested Opinions
Are today’s movies creating a generation of movie goers who won’t have the patience for a complicated story or a lot of atmosphere? In his book Do the Movies Have a Future? film critic David Denby suggests that movies that rely on swift cuts, explosions, crashes, and an emphasis on spectacle rather than emotional engagement are shaping the futu MORE >
- August 7th, 2014
- Posted By : Lynn
- Comments : 279
Unrequested Opinions
Apparently it’s time to start blogging from The Clyde—at least according to the social-media experts. While Blake spends his time in a windowless, metal-lined projection booth, my own seat is a stool in the box office with a terrific view of First Street and Saratoga Passage.... MORE >
- April 1st, 2013
- Posted By : Lynn
- Comments : 279
Unrequested Opinions
I’m very fond of our more absent-minded patrons. Especially the ones from out of town. Over the years (40 so far), I’ve never had to buy an umbrella. Last year was the first time I actually bought sunglasses. I have lots of scarves and several nice hats. If I only had one arm, I would have the world’s best glove/mitten wardrobe.... MORE >
- March 9th, 2013
- Posted By : Lynn
- Comments : 279